Sunday, February 7, 2010

And so, another week goes.../ Y asi fue, otra semana paso...

So, my time in Argentina is nearing its end. I've spent the last week walking into shops unsuccessfully trying to find a cap for my CamelBak mouthpiece, catching up with people, and organizing the next leg of the trip.
Saturday lunch at my brother Diego's house. Sunday lunch at my grandparents and we looked at my trip's pictures so far. Tuesday lunch with my father. Thursday I went to Rocio's place (a friend from school) and we talked for hours and hours- poor Rocio had to work early the next morning. I met up with Estefi, a friend from Uni, and went to the Dr's office with her and helped her argue with her Dr's receptionists. Last night dinner with my father and my brother Joaquin, who just got back from his holidays. Tonight Ana and Fernando came over for dinner and to farewell me- total number of borrowed DVDs watched: 7 out of 48. Not bad, huh?
And in between all that I also met up a few times with Daniela. Dani is a friend from Australia, but she is originally from Salta (a province in the north of Argentina). Dani is also doing a RTW trip for about 12 months, she left Sydney about 10 days before me. Our trips coincided here in Argentina and Dani came over to Buenos Aires for a week. We met up in the city for ice cream one day- those wonderful Argentinean ice creams! Another day she came over to my place and stayed the night, and since Yanina asked what was the plan for our sleepover we took some pictures to show her and the Argies in Sydney what we were up to (insider's joke picture). We went into town together another day for an early dinner and met up again the next day for cake- those wonderful Argentinean cakes!
So now I'm 4 days away from leaving Argentina and have a shitload of stuff to do. I should get the next few months of the trip organised. Or not. Which is probably what will happen in the end:)

Asi es, ya se esta por terminar mi estadia en Argentina. Me pase la ultima semana yendo a negocios tratando de conseguir una tapita para el pico de mi CamelBak sin exito, viendome con gente, y organizando la siguiente parte del viaje.
Sabado almuerzo en lo de mi hermano Diego. Domingo almuerzo en lo de mis abuelos y miramos las fotos de lo que va del viaje. Martes almuerzo con mi papa. Jueves fui a la casa de Rocio (una amiga del colegio) y hablamos por horas y horas- pobre Rocio, se tuvo que despertar temprano al dia siguiente para ir a laburar. Me encontre con Estefi, una amiga de la facultad, y fuimos a su medico y la ayude a discutir con las recepcionistas. Anoche cena con mi papa y mi hermano Joaquin, que acaba de volver de vacaciones. Y hoy Ana y Fernando vinieron a cenar a casa y a despedirme- numero total de los DVDs prestados que mire: 7 de 48; nada mal, no?
Y en medio de eso, me encontre con Daniela varias veces. Dani es una amiga de Australia, pero es originalmente de Salta (una provincia del norte de Argentina). Dani tambien esta haciendo un viaje vuelta al mundo por 12 meses, salio de Sydney 10 dias antes que yo. Nuestros itinerarios coincidieron aca en Argentina, y Dani se vino a Buenos Aires por 1 semana. Nos juntamos en el centro a tomar helado un dia- esos maravillosos helados argentinos! Otro dia se vino a casa y se quedo a dormir, y como Yanina nos pregunto como iba el pijama party, sacamos unas fotos para mostrarle a ella y al grupete de argentinos de Sydney en que estabamos (foto chiste interno). Fuimos al centro un dia y cenamos tempranito, y nos juntamos de nuevo al dia siguiente a comer torta- esas maravillosas tortas argentinas!
Asi que ahora me faltan 4 dias para irme de Argentina y tengo un monton de cosas que hacer. Deberia organizarme los proximos meses de viaje. O no. Que va a ser problablemente lo que termine pasando:)

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