Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A bit of this and a bit of that/Siglo XX Cambalache

I'm a bit behind with the blog, and most importantly, I'm a bit fed up with being behind with the blog, so I have decided to write a general overview of the past week into the one post, and get up to date this way. So, quickly, quickly, here it comes.
Parque de la Costa with Matias. It's an amusement park. I love amusement parks. I love rollercoasters. I can't get enough of them. Or couldn't at least. I think I'm getting old. I got on everything once, but refused to run around like crazy for the last 15 minutes before the games closed to get on the green rollercoaster 4 times in a row like Matias did. What's wrong with me? Once seemed enough, how bloody boring I've become! And not to mention the motion sickness, ME, who could not comprehend how people could get motion sickness from amusement parks!!!!!
Bohemian Dr. I saw this Dr in his 50's, and after I told him I was traveling around he told me about how he used to be a hippie, a bohemian, in his youth and then decided to study medicine and have a serious job. But how he has always planned that at 70 he will leave everything behind, grow a beard, and go hitchhiking. We talked about philosophy, books, and traveling. And I walked out feeling great, thinking I wanna go hitchhiking when I'm 70, but hopefully without having grown a beard.
Update on contact lenses. I finally found a shop that called their distributor while I was there and said they would have my 4 boxes of contact lenses ready to be picked up the next day, and would call me when they received them. 3 days later they hadn't called me so I called. They said they have 3 already, cause they sent 1 with the wrong garduation so had to send it back. Will get the remaining one in 2-3 days. Which means today or tomorrow. They haven't called yet. I'll call tomorrow. So close yet so far...
And Linda- I'm still trying to find your sugar bowl mate. I went to a shop last week which said they would have it custom made for me and would call me back later on the day with the price and date it would be ready by. They haven't called, I'll go and see them again this week.
Devoto jail. I work in a jail in Australia, so I was interested in having a look in a jail here in Argentina. I got a visit organised by a friend's father who used to work there. It was excellent, I spent all day there. Remand and sentenced inmates. Male. Maximum security. 1700 inmates. I first spent a few hours walking around the place with 2 officers, went into some pabellones and modulos (kinda like the blocks and pods back in Australia, but not really, very different setting and layout), workshops, classrooms, library, gym, kitchen, yards, spoke to some of the inmates. I then spent a couple more hours with the team of psychologists, lawyers, sociologists and welfare officers- talking about their job and mine, comparing notes and how things work. And finally I spent some time talking with the jail's Director, shame he had to go and couldn't talk longer cause it was really interesting. Everyone was great, I learnt a lot, and I left with some interesting ideas. Some things are done very similarly, others are done very differently, in some ways they are behind, in other ways they are ahead. I love to be traveling at the moment and quite content to not be working right now, but being again in a jail for a day, I felt again that passion and enthusiasm I feel at work and it feels good to know I am doing what I love and enjoy.
Saturday arvo I went to my grandparents house. Stayed there for a few hours. At night went to Ana and Fernando's house. Watched a movie called Troupe Elite- about the military police forces incursions into the favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Lots of blood. Such an underworld.
Sunday we went to Lujan. To a shooting range. Fernando has guns, different sorts. Big and small. We had a go at firing 5 of them. Some I enjoyed and some I didn't. I don't like the ones that... whiplash back too much (uhm... I know whiplash is nowhere near the right term for it, but I have no clue what it's called...). I like the ones where your hand doesn't jerk back after you fire. But I was pleased to see that I hit the red paper man basically every time, I was expecting the bullets to end up hitting the side walls. But I gotta say: been there, done that. Although it was heaps of fun to try it once, I don't think I'll be doing it again. Not my thing. And after that, with the car loaded with firearms, we went and had a look at the very famous and very imposing Basilica de Lujan (a big church). Oh, the ironies...
Just got a phone call: the contact lenses are ready to be collected. YAY!
Back to the story. After a much needed nap, Carolina came over to visit, with her daughter Juli. Caro is a friend of Ana's, they are 8 years older than me, they used to be best friends when they were teenagers and so I used to see Caro a lot. Caro and I got back in touch recently via facebook, gotta love facebook! And today we realized we hadn't seen each other in about 15 years... insane! And she looks just the same.

Estoy un poco atrasada con el blog, y los mas importante, estoy un poco cansada de estar atrasada con el blog, asi que decidi escribir un pantallazo general de la ultima semana en un solo post y ponerme al dia de esta manera. Asi que rapidito, rapidito, aca viene.
Parque de la Costa con Matias. Es un parque de diversiones. Amo los parques de diversiones. Amo las montanias rusas. No me canso. O al menos no me cansaba. Me parece que me estoy volviendo vieja. Me subi a todo una vez, pero me negue a correr como loca durante los ultimos 15 minutos antes de que cierren los juegos para subir 4 veces seguidas a la montania rusa verde como hizo Matias. Que me pasa?? Una vez me parecio suficiente, me converti en una aburrida! Y ademas las nauseas, YO, que no lograba concebir como a alguien le podian agarrar nauseas por un parque de diversiones!!!!!
Dr. bohemio. Vi a un medico que tenia 50 y pico de anios, y cuando le conte que andaba viajando me conto que el era un hippie, un bohemio, cuando era joven y que despues decidio estudiar medicina y tener un trabajo serio. Pero que siempre planeo que a los 70 anios va a largar todo, dejarse crecer la barba, e irse a hacer dedo. Hablamos sobre filosofia, libros, y viajes. Y me fui sintiendome feliz, pensando que me gustaria irme a hacer dedo cuando tenga 70 anios, pero ojala que sin que me haya crecido la barba.
Ultima info sobre los lentes de contacto. Por fin encontre un negocio que llamo al distribuidor mientras yo estaba ahi y me dijeron que iban a tener mis 4 cajas de lentes de contacto para que las busque el dia siguiente, y que me avisaban cuando les llegaran. 3 dias mas tarde no me habian llamado asi que los llame yo. Me dijeron que tienen 3 cajas, porque una se la mandaron mal asi que la mandaron de vuelta. Les van a mandar la ultima caja en 2-3 dias. Lo que significa hoy o manana. Todavia no me llamaron. Los llamo manana. Casi, casi pero no...
Y Linda- todavia estoy tratando de conseguir tu mate azucarera. Fui a un negocio la semana pasada que me dijeron me lo iban a mandar a hacer, y que me llamaban mas tarde ese mismo dia con el precio y fecha de cuando estaria listo. No me llamaron, esta semana voy de nuevo personalmente.
Carcel de Devoto. Trabajo en una carcel en Australia, asi que me interesaba ir a ver una carcel aca en Argentina. Me organizo una visita el papa de una amiga, que trabajaba ahi. Estuvo excelente, pase todo el dia en la carcel. Carcel de procesados y condenados. Hombres. Maxima seguridad. 1700 internos. Primero pase un par de horas recorriendo el lugar con 2 oficiales, entre en algunos de los pabellones y modulos (algo asi como los blocks y pods en Australia, pero muy diferente distribucion/esquema), talleres, aulas, biblioteca, gimnasio, cocina, patios, hable un rato con algunos de los internos. Despues pase un par de horas con el equipo de psicologos, sociologos, asistentes sociales y abogados- hablando de su trabajo y del mio, comparando lo que hacemos y como funciona todo. Y finalmente pase un rato hablando con el Director de la carcel, una lastima que se tenia que ir y no pudimos hablar mas porque estuvo muy interesante. Todos la mejor onda, aprendi un monton, y me fui con algunas ideas interesantes. Algunas cosas las hacemos muy parecido, otras muy diferente, en algunas cosas estan atrasados, en otras adelantados. Me encanta estar viajando ahora y estoy feliz de estar sin laburar por el momento, pero entrando otra vez en una carcel por un dia senti otra vez esa pasion y entusiasmo que siento cuando estoy laburando, y me sirve como recordatorio de que amo y disfruto mi trabajo.
El sabado a la tarde fui a la casa de mis abuelos. Me quede ahi unas horas. A la noche fui a lo de Ana y Fernando. Miramos una pelicula que se llama Tropa Elite- sobre las incursiones de las fuerzas de la policia militar en las favelas de Rio de Janeiro. Mucha sangre. Un submundo.
El domingo fuimos a Lujan. Al tiro federal. Fernando tiene armas. De distinto tipo. Grandes y chiquitas. Probamos de tirar con 5 diferentes. Algunas me gustaron y otras no. No me gustan las que... te tiran la mano para atras cuando disparas (no tengo idea como se dice). Me gustan las calmaditas, las que no te mueven la mano para atras. Pero me encanto que le emboque al hombrecito rojo de papel casi todos los tiros, pense que las balas iban a terminar en las paredes de los costados. Pero tengo que decir: ya esta, hecho, listo. Aunque estuvo muy divertido haberlo hecho una vez para probar, no creo que lo vaya a hacer de nuevo. No es lo mio. Y despues de eso, con el baul del auto lleno de armas, fuimos a la famosa e imponente Basilica de Lujan. Que ironico...
Me acaban de llamar: los lentes de contacto estan listos para que los vaya a buscar, yay!
De vuelta a la historia. Despues de una merecida siesta Carolina vino a visitar con la hija Juli. Caro es una amiga de Ana, tienen 8 anios mas que yo, eran mejores amigas cuando eran adolescentes, asi que la veia seguido a Caro. Caro y yo nos pusimos en contacto hace poquito de nuevo por facebook, aguante facebook! Y hoy nos dimos cuenta que no nos habiamos visto como en 15 anios, una locura! Y Caro esta igual!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bowls, Bus and Cameras, but no Maps/ Bolos, Bus y Camaras pero sin Mapas

Saturday night Ana and Fernando came to my place. I was ashamed to admit I have only watched 5 of the 48 DVDs they lent me about 1 month ago... but hey, I returned those 5, so that's a good thing I did. Then the 3 of us and Matias went ten pin bowling. It was great, although I don't get it why each person gets 2 bowls each time it's their turn- considering my second bowl failed to hit any pins about 90% of the times, I think if we changed the game to just 1 bowl I would be a much better player. I might start this new game. But it was a good thing that Matias wanted the side things up (to stop the bowl form going off the sides) although I don't know why he asked for it, as he was the best and rarely had a bowl going towards the sides. In the defense of us 3 adults- he does go ten pin bowling often, and we never do. Bloody kid!
When we got home we played a Simpsons board game (the one I got Matias for his birthday! Yay, he's using it AND it was actually his idea to play it!!). It was absolutely hilarious, cause some of the things you gotta do is make up songs or dance, so we recorded our best performances, we were in stitches playing.
Sunday was quite an unusual day. Sunday I was a tourist in my home city. A real tourist I mean. Full on, with double-decker, open-top, hop-on hop-off, tourist bus included. And it was awesome! Diego (Luli's brother) and Phil (his English friend) picked Matias and us up from home and the 4 of us headed into the city. CBD. Sunday. Very hot. The only people there were tourists. It was very strange to see this other side of the city, to see these streets which are normally bustling with people so quiet and deserted, and the only people around being tourists. Tourists with their cameras and maps. And us. Playing tourists for the day- we had our cameras, but unfortunately we didn't need maps, damn it, it was almost perfect! So before we got on this bus, we walked over to the Obelisco (Buenos Aires's most famous landmark, a monolith) cause Matias said he had seen it a couple of times before when driving past but never actually stopped at it. So that HAD to be fixed. Photos included. We already felt like the biggest tourists ever to roam this city and the day had just began.
The bus was next, with audioguides which you could plug into your seat in 8 different languages. Matias verified that only about 4 of those worked. And the audioguides in some seats were broken. That's when I remembered I was still in Argentina and not overseas. But it was still a great tour, going past all the famous landmarks in Buenos Aires city, and with a great view from the top floor. Although I was a wimp and moved downstairs into the AC half way into the trip, cause the sun was way too hot for my liking. So let me mention just some of the things we saw: the Pink House (government house), cathedral, Plaza de Mayo (May Square), congress building, historical buildings and palaces, the river side, Puerto Madero (a port/docks- come- posh restaurants area, kinda like a Darling Harbour area almost), and different neighbourhoods such as Recoleta, San Telmo, La Boca (where the team Boca Juniors YUCK is from).
We got off at La Boca- I love this neighbourhood. For those who know Buenos Aires- it's the neighbourhood with all the colourful tin houses, where immigrants used to live in "conventillos", with dozens of people in these tiny tin houses, renting one room per family to live in. And it's the place where every weekend they set up touristic stuff- markets, people dancing tango on the streets, tango shows in every restaurant, etc. We had lunch there and I got a picture leaning against a traditional "farolito de Buenos Aires" (Buenos Aires street light post), which is a traditional argentinean postcard image, the way tangueros (male tango singers) used to stand, against a light post, their hat low covering their face, and a cigarette in the mouths.
At the end of the whole tour we went back to the Cathedral and went into it. Inside, is San Martin's coffin (the guy who liberated us from Spain, who crossed the Andes mountains on horseback, that guy), and the ashes of the Unknown Soldier. It's amazing that I had never been inside the Cathedral before, shame on me! I travel around, and everywhere I go, I go see the Cathedral, and whenever I know there's an Unknown Soldier somewhere I go out of my way to make sure I go and see it... but had never done it in my own home city. I can now finally say, after 30 years: Buenos Aires Cathedral and Unknown Soldier: ticked.
Last stop was the Manzana de las Luces ("The Lights Block") which is a full block in the heart of Buenos Aires city, which used to house the University where many smart argentineans studied in, and even Albert Einstein was there as a guest speaker once. That's why it's called the Block of Lights- because the Lights were all the brilliant genius minds of the time studying there. It also houses a convent, a church, and the most prestigious public high school in the city. But it's all falling down to pieces- especially the church, the building is full of cracks and they are doing some serious work on it to prevent it from collapsing. And of course the famous tunnels. Which was very disappointing to not be allowed to walk through them (I've read online that they used to be open to the public on guided tours, but they stopped allowing it because stupid people were taking off bits of the walls when visiting as souvenirs- I hate idiots!). But anyway, we saw the entrances to them, which are underground (Duh!) tunnels that join the Block of Lights with other parts of the city, hundreds of metres away (Government House, the Cathedral, some mansion which used to belong to some rich person). There's lots of theories about why the Jesuits built them- they say for contraband, for protection/escape/attack in case of wars, or just to secretly move around the city between the key points in it.
So that was it. A very unusual day. Being a tourist in my own city. Seeing my normally busy, bustling city go quiet and taken over by foreigners. Learning about its history and looking at all the historical buildings which I normally walk past without ever bothering to look up. It was a good, long day.
Oh! And I had forgotten: as we were leaving we walked past a table with 3 guys with blue shirts. So I just told Matias to go sit with them and asked them if I could take their picture, just for the heck of it, having no clue who they were. Afterwards, Diego told me they were Dakar people (as the Dakar finished today in Buenos Aires) and when I got home I googled some Dakar pictures. I have no idea who the 2 guys on the left are, but the guy on the right is a South African pilot who won the Dakar last year and came 7th this year. Pretty cool, huh?

El sabado a la noche Ana y Fernando vinieron a casa. Una verguenza, solo vi 5 de los 48 DVDs que me prestaron hace como un mes, pero aunque sea les devolvi esos 5, asi que algo bueno hice. Despues nosotros 3 y Matias fuimos a jugar al bowling. Estuvo buenisimo, aunque no entiendo por que a cada jugador le toca bowlear 2 veces cada vez que es su turno- ya que cuando yo bowleaba por segunda vez no tiraba ningun pino el 90% de las veces, creo que si cambiamos las reglas de juego a un solo bowl por turno voy a ser mucho mejor jugadora. Deberia crear este juego nuevo. Pero fue bueno que Matias quiso que subamos las canaletas (para que el bolo no se pueda ir para los costados), aunque no se por que lo pidio, porque fue el que mejor jugaba y rara vez se le fue un bolo para los costados. En defensa de nosotros, los 3 adultos- Matias juega al bowling seguido, y nosotros jugamos una vez cada mil anios. Maldito ninio!
Cuando llegamos a casa jugamos un juego de mesa de los Simpsons (el que le regale a Matias para su cumpleanios. Si, lo esta usando, y fue incluso idea de el que juguemos!) Fue muy gracioso, porque algunas de las cosas que hay que hacer es inventar canciones y bailar, asi que grabamos algunas de nuestras actuaciones, nos cagamos de la risa todo el juego.
El domingo fue un dia poco usual. El domingo fui una turista en mi propia ciudad. Una turista de verdad. Bien completo, con omnibus turistico, de 2 pisos, sin techo, con paradas en las que te podes subir y bajar donde quieras y tomarte otro que pasa mas tarde para seguir. Y estuvo espectacular! Diego (el hermano de Luli) y Phil (su amigo ingles) nos buscaron a Matias y a mi por casa y fuimos al centro. El centro. Un domingo. Dia muy caluroso. La unica gente que habia eran turistas. Fue muy raro ver esta otra cara de la ciudad, ver las calles que normalmente estan llenas de gente silenciosas y desiertas, y que la unica gente que se veia fueran turistas. Turistas con sus camaras y mapas. Y nosotros. Jugando a ser turistas por un dia- teniamos nuestras camaras, pero por mala suerte no necesitabamos mapas, carajo, fue casi perfecto! Antes de subirnos al bus turistico caminamos hasta el Obelisco (un monolito, el monumento mas emblematico de Buenos Aires), porque Matias dijo que lo habia visto un par de veces pasando en el auto pero que nucna habia frenado y estado parado enfrente. Asi que TENIAMOS que cambiar eso. Con fotos incluidas. Ya nos sentiamos como los mayores turistas habidos o por haber y el dia recien comenzaba.
Nos subimos al bus, con audioguias que enchufabas en el asiento, con explicaciones en 8 idiomas. Matias comprobo que solo 4 idiomas funcionaban. Y las audioguias de algunos asientos estaban rotas. Ahi es cuando me acorde que estaba en Argentina todavia, y no en otro pais. Pero igualmente fue un tour buenisimo, pasando por todos los lugares famosos de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, y con una vista buenisima desde el piso de arriba. Aunque yo fui una maricona y me mude al piso de abajo con aire acondicionado a mitad de camino, porque el sol pegaba muy fuerte para mi gusto. Voy a mencionar algunas de las cosas que vimos: la Casa Rosada, la catedral, Plaza de Mayo, el congreso, edificios historicos y palacios, la costanera, Puerto Madero (puerto convertido en zona paqueta de restaurantes, una onda como Darling Harbour en Sydney), y distintos barrios como Recoleta, San Telmo, La Boca (de donde el equipo Boca Juniors YUCK es originario).
Nos bajamos en La Boca- amo este barrio. Para los que conocen Buenos Aires- es el barrio con todas las casas de colores hechas de chapa, donde los inmigrantes vivian en conventillos, con docenas de personas en estas casitas chiquitas de chapa, alquilando una habitacion sola por cada famila para vivir. Y es el lugar donde todos los fines de semana organizan cosas para los turistas: ferias, gente bailando tango en las calles, shows de tango en todos los restaurantes, etc. Almorzamos ahi y me saque una foto bajo un famoso farolito de Buenos Aires, imagen tipica de una postal de Buenos Aires, como se solian parar los tangueros descansando contra un farol, con sus sombreros bajados tapandoles la cara y un cigarrillo en la boca.
Al final de todo el tour en bus volvimos a la Catedral y entramos. Adentro esta la tumba de San Martin (el tipo que nos libero de Espania, que cruzo los Andes a caballo, ese tipo), y las cenizas del Soldado Desconocido. Es increible que nunca antes habia entrado a la Catedral en mi vida, una verguenza! Viajo, y a cada lugar que voy, entro en la Catedral, y cuando me entero que hay un Soldado Desconocido en algun lugar me aseguro de ir a verlo siempre... pero nunca lo habia hecho en mi propia ciudad natal. Asi que ahora finalmente puedo decir, despues de 30 anios: Catedral y Soldado Desconocido de Buenos Aires: hecho!
Nuestra ultima parada fue la Manzana de las Luces, que es una cuadra en el corazon de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, que tenia la Universidad donde muchos argentinos inteligentes estudiaron, y hasta Albert Einstein fue una vez a dar una charla ahi. Por eso se llama la Manzana de las Luces: porque las luces eran las mentes brillantes y geniales de la epoca que estudiaban ahi. Tambien tiene un convento, una iglesia, y el colegio secundario publico mas prestigioso de la ciudad. Pero se esta cayendo a pedazos todo, sobre todo la iglesia, el edificio esta lleo de grietas y estan haciendo trabajos para que no se venga abajo todo. Y por supuesto los famosos tuneles. Que fue una decepcion que no pudimos caminar a lo largo de los tuneles (lei en internet que solian estar abiertos para que camine la gente en las visitas guiadas, pero dejaron de permitirlo porque la gente estupida se llevaba pedacitos de las paredes como souvenirs- odio a la gente idiota!). Pero bueno, vimos las entradas a los tuneles, que son tuneles subterraneos (obviamente subterraneos....) que unen la Manzana de las Luces con otras partes de la ciudad, a cientos de metros de distancia (la Casa Rosada, la Catedral, una mansion que pertenecia a no se quien rico). Hay muchas teorias sobre por que los Jesuitas las construyeron- dicen que para contrabado, para proteccion/escape/ataque en caso de guerras, o simplemente para poder moverse en secreto por la ciudad entre los puntos claves.
Asi que eso fue. Un dia poco usual. Siendo turista en mi propia ciudad. Viendo a mi ciudad normalmente llena de gente y ruidosa, volverse silenciosa y acaparada por los turistas. Aprendiendo sobre su historia y mirando los edificios historicos por los que normalmente paso por enfrente sin siquiera levantar la vista para mirarlos. Fue un buen, largo dia.
Ah! Y me olvidaba! Cuando nos ibamos pasamos por una mesa con 3 tipos sentados con remeras azules. Asi que le dije a Matias que se vaya a sentar con ellos y les pregunte si les podia sacar una foto, por que si, sin saber quienes eran. Despues de sacar la foto Diego me dijo que eran tipos del Dakar (porque el Dakar termino hoy en Buenos Aires) y cuando llegue a casa busque por internet algunas fotos de Dakar. No tengo idea quienes son los 2 tipos de la izquierda, pero el de la derecha es un piloto sudafricano que salio primero el anio pasado y septimo este anio. Bastante copado, no?

More family and Drs/ Mas familia y medicos

Thursday I had arranged to have lunch with Joaquin, as he is going on holidays for a few weeks with some friends later on the day. Joaquin, his girlfriend Pia, Matias and I went to the coast (river) and had a picnic there. It was really nice, relaxing under a tree. Matias was supposed to be skateboarding, and that's why we decided to do a picnic, but the day was so hot he only used the skateboard a bit and spent most of the time laying under the tree with us. And dinner with my father, we went to a parrilla (BBQ style restaurant) and I had delicious kidneys, I love them.
Friday was a crap day, I had appointments with Drs, so I did all that, and then walked around all day from one bloody shop to another and couldn't find anywhere the contact lenses nor the contact lenses solution I normally use- apparently they are not importing/distributing/delivering/whatevering them anymore. Which sucks, cause I am allergic to other solutions (don't know which ingredient) and had to try several contact lenses before finding these ones which fit perfectly (and found out that my eyeballs are very curvy and very big.) So... I'll just have to keep on looking, this time by phone, I'm not walking around the whole place again.

El jueves organice para almorzar con Joaquin, porque a la tarde se va de vacaciones con amigos por unas semanas. Joaquin, la novia Pia, Matias y yo fuimos al rio, hicimos un picnic. Estuvo muy lindo, relajandonos bajo un arbol. Matias supuestamente iba a hacer skate, y por eso decidimos hacer un picnic ahi, pero hacia tanto calor que solo uso la skate un ratito, y estuvo la mayor parte del tiempo tirado abajo del arbol con nosotros. Y me junte a cenar con mi papa, fuimos a una parrilla y comi rinones deliciosos, me encantan. El viernes fue una porqueria, tenia turnos con medicos, asi que hice todo eso, y despues me la pase caminando todo el dia de un maldito lugar al otro sin poder conseguir los lentes de contacto ni la solucion salina que uso- parece que no los estan importando/distribuyendo/entregando/no se que mierdando mas. Una cagada, porque soy alergica a otras soluciones salinas (no se a que ingrediente), y tuve que probar varias marcas de lentes de contacto antes de encontrar estas que me quedan perfecto (y descubri que mis ojos son muy cuervos y muy grandes.) Asi que voy a tener que seguir buscando, esta vez por telefono, no pienso pasarmela caminando por todos lados otra vez.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Family, teeth, and an ice skating rink/ Familia, dientes, y una pista de patinaje sobre hielo (suena mejor en ingles)

Wednesday was an early start. I went with my mother to my grandparents' house (my mother works with my grandfather). Last night I finished the book I was reading (Snuff), so I borrowed one from my grandfather now (it's in Spanish, but the title translates to "The atrocious Charm of being argentineans", by Marcos Aguinis), which a few days later I found out it actually belongs to my aunt Ana, not to my grandfather... cheeky!

So I spent the morning there with my mother and my grandparents, and then my mother and I went to see the dentist. Now, the story is this: my mother is a dentist, but she hasn't worked as a dentist for years. And the health insurance I have in Argentina (yes, I still have one here even though I've left the country almost 7 years ago... go figure!) is the dentists' association health insurance. Which covers you for everything and anything except for dentistry... I guess cause they assume that if you already have a dentist in the family you won't need to see another one...? So, because my mother no longer has an office, we went to her friend's office, Karina. Purpose of the visit: a check up. Last time I had had one: Uhm... 2 years maybe? WRONG! Last time I had had one had been 5 years ago!!! Shame on me! I guess time just flies when you are having fun, huh? But the good news is that my teeth are as happy and as healthy as they've always been, I still can't believe I've never had a tooth cavity in my whole life. So, dentist check up: checked!

Back to my grandparents house for a bit and then back home. And then I went ice skating with my brother Matias. It was so funny!! Last time I had done ice skating I was about 8 years old, I used to love it. It was so weird to be doing it again, but heaps heaps of fun. And we met up there with some friends (some of the people I went to Gualeguaychu with- Luli, Chris, their daughter Mia, Diego, Phil, Fede, Mariki). Matias had some difficulties with his left foot insisting on walking while the right one was happily ice skating, but he got it after a while. And he had some nice falls, poor knee. But I am proud to announce that despite me being very close to falling down many times, I managed to not fall down once. I rock!

Ek miercoles me levante temprano. Fui con mama a la casa de mis abuelos (mi mama trabaja con mi abuelo). Anoche termine el libro que estaba leyendo (Snuff), asi que hoy mi abuelo me presto uno (El Atroz Encanto de ser Argentinos, de Marcos Aguinis), y unos dias mas tarde me entere que el libro en realidad es de mi tia Ana, no de mi abuelo... picaron!

Asi que pase la manana ahi con mi mama y mis abuelos, y despues mi mama y yo fuimos al dentista. El tema es asi: mi mama es dentista pero hace anios que no trabaja de dentista. Y el seguro medico que tengo en Argentina (si, todavia tengo seguro medico aca aunque me fui de Argentina hace casi 7 anios... es asi!) es el seguro de la asociacion de odontologos. Que cubre todo menos dentistas... supongo que si ya tenes un dentista en la familia suponen que no vas a necesitar ver a otro dentista...? Entonces, como mi mama ya no tiene consultorio, fuimos al consultorio de una amiga de ella dentista, Karina. Motivo de la visita: un chequeo. Ultima vez que me habia hecho uno: uhm... 2 anios tal vez? ERROR! La ultima vez que me habia hecho un chequeo fue hace 5 anios! Una verguenza! Como vuela el tiempo, no? Pero la buena noticia es que mis dientes estan sanos y felices como siempre, no puedo creer que nucna tuve una caries en mi vida. Asi que chequeo de dientes: hecho!

De vuelta a la casa de mis abuelos un rato y despues de vuelta a casa. Y despues fui a hacer patinaje sobre hielo con mi hermano Matias. Estuvo tan divertido!! La ultima vez que hice patinaje sobre hielo tenia como 8 anios, me encantaba. Fue muy loco estar patinando de nuevo, pero estuvo muy muy divertido. Y nos encontramos ahi con unos amigos (algunos con los que fui a Gualeguaychu- Luli, Chris, su hija Mia, Diego, Phil, Fede y Mariki). Matias tuvo unos problemas con su pie izquierdo, que insistia en caminar mientras el derecho patinaba felizmente, pero despues de un rato le salio. Y se dio unas buenas caidas, pobre rodilla. Pero estoy orgullosa de anunciar que a pesar de que yo estuve muchas veces muy a punto de caerme, logre no caerme una sola vez. Soy una genia!

Extended Leave and whingeing about it/ Ausencia extendida y quejosa al respecto

So what started as 2 nights away ended up being 5 nights away from home. After getting back to Luli's house in the early hours of Monday morning, we all spent the day there and I was planning on going back home in the afternoon. But then I remembered that the next day I was supposed to be meeting up with Luli and Chuchi again, so there was no point in me going back home just to go all the way back there again the next day (yes, the 40kms each way thingy). God I was moody, I wanted to be home and fully chill. And not to mention I had packed clothes for a couple of days only, not for 5- but then again, wearing smelly clothes barely bothers me anymore nowadays (yuck but true...). But Tuesday was really nice to see Chuchi and cute baby Benicio again, and then I got a ride back home in the afternoon with Luli (luckily they were heading towards the city by car. Bloody hate catching buses going to/from Pilar, they are hot, take ages, come once in a blue moon and I gotta transfer a million times to get home).

Asi que lo que empezo como 2 noches fuera de casa se convirtio en 5 noches fuera de casa. Despues de llegar a lo de Luli en la madrugada del lunes, pasamos el dia ahi y yo tenia pensado volverme a casa a la tarde. Pero despues me acorde que al dia siguiente habia arreglado para encontrarme con Luli y Chuchi de nuevo, asi que no tenia sentido irme hasta casa para tener que volver hasta ahi de nuevo al dia siguiente (si, el temita de los 40kms ida y 40kms vuelta). Estaba re fastidiosa, queria estar en casa y relajarme totalmente. Ademas de que habia empacado ropa para un par de dias solo, no para 5- aunque en realidad usar ropa olorosa casi ya no me jode mas hoy en dia (un asco pero real...). Pero estuvo re bueno el martes ver a Chuchi y al divino bebe Benicio de nuevo, y despues me llevo a casa Luli a la tarde (por suerte se iban para el centro en auto. Odio tomarme colectivos a/desde Pilar, son calurosos, tardan horas, pasan cada mil anios, y tengo que hacer un millon de cambios de colectivo para llegar a casa).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Museo y Carnaval/Museum and Carnival

I'm lazy, lazy to write, but ok, here it comes.... (deep breath). So the day after I last wrote was a Thursday. I went into the city with Matias in the afternoon, we went to a science museum for kids. It's called Prohibido No Tocar, which means Forbidden Not To Touch, and the idea is yes, you've guessed it, that it's interactive. It was really cool, we had heaps of fun, and who would have thought that after almost 3 and a half hours I would have to rush Matias out of there cause I had to be back home by 8pm and we weren't gonna make it otherwise. They had all the different areas that you play and experience with- shapes and vision, physics, mechanics, nature, even maths (yuck). And we also went to a couple of their shows- one on static electricity, where they make kids hair stand up, and one on chemistry where a plastic bag explodes, pretty cool.
I got home at 8 on time, and Luli's father picked me up a bit later and got a ride with him to their place in Pilar (which is like 40kms away from my house, nearby where I used to go to school... yes, every day there and back). Stayed the night there, and the next day in the afternoon we left by car to Gualeguaychu- it's a town in the north of Argentina, in the Province of Entre Rios. Gualeguaychu is famous for their Carnival, it's THE city of Carnival in Argentina. The 5 of us got there in the afternoon (Luli, her South African husband Chris, her brother Diego, Diego's English friend Phil, and me)- we did some shopping and got the tickets for Carnival for Saturday night, and then the second car arrived (Luli's brother Fede, her South African wife Mariki (just coincidence her and Chris are both SA, they didn't know each other from there), a friend Marina with her husband Alejo, and Alejo's friend Juan). So that was all of us- 10 of us in a cute tiny little house, with 2 tiny bedrooms and a tiny kitchen where we couldn't fit 10 chairs at once. BUT we had a great outside area, with table and chairs, a parrilla (argentinean BBQ),
OHHHH what a shame! Perfect excuse, my aunt Ana and her partner have just arrived to visit so I will have to finish this off another time. Love procrastinating:)
Ok, so I'm back to finish the post. So we had the garden, outside furniture, BBQ, swings, and a pool which we nicknamed "the jacuzzi" because it was actually just an oversize plastic pool with a wooden board/deck around it.
It was an absolutely awesome weekend. We spent the days on the beach (river, not sea), had a look around town, eating, drinking, and talking shit. Saturday night was supposed to be the Carnival parade but it got cancelled because of rain. It PISSED DOWN! There was a huge massive storm, and we all had to get crammed inside the tiny house, water coming into the kitchen under the door and pouring down the wall. Very funny. As soon as it slowed down a bit we drove into town, had dinner, and by then the rain had stopped. So of course we wouldn't trust locals saying the Carnival was cancelled, so we had to drive to the Corsodromo (the place where it's held) just to make sure. Yep. Lights off. Not a soul. Deserted. Cancelled. Back into town, and we spent the night at a bar on the beach- which for some reason played the same 8-10 songs all night long over and over again, it would play music for about 10 or 20 minutes, then music off for 20minutes, then back on and off again..... bizarre. And even more bizarre the fact that we didn't leave and go to another bar, but stayed there until about 5am. Maybe the comfy beach chairs had something to do with that:) AND on the way back home we saw the most AMAZING weird cloud. It was this black MASSIVE cloud, just above the horizon, and it was full of lighting in it, which kept lighting up the whole cloud by parts. It was INSANE! No thunder, no rain that we could see, just this... electric cloud, I've never seen anything like that in my life.
Sunday arvo we were supposed to start heading back to Buenos Aires, but Carnival was moved to Sunday night after being cancelled on Saturday, so we decided to stay for it. And it was SO worth it! We had VIP front rows seats (oh yeah, we are fucking special) and it was the best thing ever- not because of the seats, cause we didn't use them all night, but because we could jump over the barricade into the actual parade area and dance and have our pictures taken with the floats and people parading. We spent all night jumping in and out and dancing, and the poor police guy standing right in front of us had infinite patience with us. Costumes and floats were excellent, I didn't really have very high expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. The parade finished at about 2:30am, and we then drove back to Buenos Aires (about 2 1/2 hours drive), and I stayed the night at Luli's place. What an AMAZING weekend!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: most of the pics I've uploaded in this post are not mine, they are courtesy of Diego.

Me da muuuuucha fiaca escribir, pero bueno, aca va. El dia despues de la ultima vez que escribi fue un Jueves. Fui al centro con Matias a la tarde, fuimos a un museo de ciencias para chicos. Se llama Prohibido No Tocar, y si, la idea es que es interactivo. Estuvo muy bueno, la pasamos barbaro, y quien se hubiera imaginado que despues de casi 3 horas y media iba a tener que apurarlo a Matias para que nos vayamos, porque tenia que estar de vuelta en casa a las 8pm y sino no llegabamos a tiempo. Tenia todas las areas diferentes para jugar y experimentar: formas y vision, fisica, mecanica, naturaleza, hasta matematica (yuck). Y tambien fuimos a un par de shows que hicieron- uno sobre electricidad estatica donde hacen que el pelo se les pare de punta a los chicos, y otro sobre quimica donde hacen explotar a una bolsa de plastico, muy bueno.
Llegue a casa tipo 8 a tiempo, y al rato me paso a buscar le papa de Luli, y fui con el en auto hasta su casa en Pilar (como 40kms de distancia de mi casa, cerca de donde queda mi colegio... si, iba todos los dias hasta alla ida y vuelta). Me quede a dormir ahi y al dia siguiente a la tarde salimos en auto para Gualeguaychu- una ciudad en el norte de Argentina, en la Provincia de Entre Rios. Gualeguaychu es famosa por el Carnaval, es LA ciudad del Carnaval en Argentina. Eramos 5 (Luli, su marido sudafricano Chris, el hermano de Luli Diego, el amigo ingles de Diego Phil, y yo), y llegamos a la tarde- fuimos a hacer las compras y compramos las entradas para el sabado a la noche para el Carnaval, y llegaron los que venian en el segundo auto (otro hermano de Luli Fede, su mujer sudafricana Mariki (es solo coincidencia que Mariki y Chrios son los 2 sudafricanos, no se conocian de antes), una amiga Marina y su marido Alejo, y un amigo de Alejo Juan). Asi que esos eramos todos- eramos 10 en una casita divina y chiquita, con 2 cuartos chiquitos y una cocina chiquita donde no entraban 10 sillas al mismo tiempo. PERO teniamos un jardin afuera muy bueno, con mesas y sillas, una parrilla, hamacas, y una pileta a la que bautizamos "el jacuzzi", porque en realidad no era mas que una pelopincho grande con bordes de madera alrededor.
Fue un fin de semana totalmente alucinante. Pasamos los dias en la playa (rio, no mar), paseamos por la ciudad, comimos, tomamos, y pelotudeamos. El sabado a la noche se suponia que era el desfile de Carnaval pero se suspendio por la lluvia. DILUVIO! Hubo una tormenta mal, y los 10 nos tuvimos que amontocochinar adentro de la casita chiquitita, y el agua entrando a la cocina por abajo de la puerta y chorreando por la pared. Muy divertido. Apenas dejo de llover tan fuerte nos fuimos en auto a la ciudad, cenamos, y para ese entonces la lluvia habia parado. Y obviamente no le ibamos a creer a los locales que nos decian que creian que el Carnaval se habia suspendido, asi que tuvimos que manejar al Corsodromo (el lugar donde se hace el desfile) para asegurarnos. Si. Las luces apagadas. Vacio. No habia un alma. Cancelado. Volvimos al centro y pasamos la noche en un bar sobre la playa- que por alguna razon pasaban las mismas 8-10 canciones toda la noche, una y otra vez, pasaban musica por 10-20 minutos, y despues la apagaban por 20 minutos, y la volvian a prender por otros 20 minutos, asi toda la noche... muy extranio. Y mas extranio todavia que no nos levantamos para irnos a otro bar, sino que nos quedamos ahi toda la noche hasta casi las 5am. Tal vez las sillitas y reposeras de la playa que estaban tan comodas tuvieron algo que ver con eso:) Y de vuelta a la casa vimos una nube totalmenmte ESPECTACULAR y rarisima. Era una nube negra ENORME, justo sobre la linea del horizonte, y estaba llena de relampagos adentro de la nube misma, que la iluminaba por pedazos a cada rato. Una LOCURA! Sin truenos, sin lluvia hasta donde nosotros podiamos ver, solo esta... nube electrica, nunca en mi vida vi una cosa asi.
El domingo a la tarde supuestamente ibamos a volver para Buenos Aires, pero como el Carnaval se suspendio el sabado lo pasaron para el domingo a la noche, y decidimos quedarnos. Y valio la pena! Teniamos asientos VIP en la primera fila (si, si, somos re especiales!), y fue lo mejor- no por los asientos, porque ni los usamos toda la noche, pero porque por estar en primera fila podiamos saltar la division y entrar a la zona misma del desfile, y bailar y sacarnos fotos con la gente que desfilaba y con las carrozas. Nos pasamos toda la noche saltando de un lado al otro de la cerca y bailando, y el pobre policia que teniamos parado enfrente nuestro la verdad que nos tuvo una paciencia infinita. Las carrozas y los disfraces eran excelentes, la verdad que no tenia muchas expectativas, pero me sorprendio para bien. El desfile termino tipo a las 2:30am y despues manejamos de vuelta a Buenos Aires (2 horas y media mas o menos) y me quede a dormir en la casa de Luli. Que fin de semana ESPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!
Nota al pie: la mayoria de las fotos que puse en este post no son mias, son sacadas por Diego.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And so 2009 comes to an end/ Y se termino el 2009

So, it's been another week (and a bit) and I don't remember everything I've done. I have no clue actually. I've been spending time with friends and family, I guess that should cover it. I remember New Year's Eve. We went to my grandparents place- my grandparents, my mother, my aunts and cousins. We had dinner there, opened our presents (yes, we do presents at Midnight on NYE as well), and about 1am went to Diego's house for a bit. After that, we went to a house party (some famous argentinean woman's house- a journalist I think she is)- with 2 of my aunts, their partners, my cousin, and others sort of relatives-in-law. We stayed there for a while and then I went to Ana and Fernando's house with them, we stayed up talking and ended up going to bed at 7am. The next day we went back to my grandparents' house for lunch (we had to have pasta cause there were NO leftovers from last night, NONE AT ALL, it never happens!), and I got home in the afternoon and had a good, long nap.
What else...? Been to my father's house for dinner a couple of times. Had some friends from school (Luli and Chuchi) coming over to my place for lunch today. Oh! And I got my camera's memory card fixed, so I recovered all the photos I had trapped in there (2 weeks worth, part of Thailand and part of Japan, I am so happy!!!), made back ups of all my trip photos in DVD's (over 3,000 photos already, bloody hell) and met up with Laura's sister (Laura is a friend from Australia) and gave them to her to take to Australia for me. And I watched some DVDs. Not 48, but I've watched about 5 already, so I think I'm doing really well.

Y paso otra semana (y un poquito) y no me acuerdo todo lo que estuve haciendo. No tengo ni idea en realidad. Estuve pasando tiempo con familia y amigos, y digamos que con eso esta cubierto el tema. Me acuerdo lo que hice para Anio Nuevo. Fuimos a la casa de mis abuelos- mis abuelos, mi mama, mis tias y mis primos. Cenamos ahi, abrimos los regalos (si, hacemos regalos en Anio Nuevo tambien, a la medianoche) y tipo 1 de la maniana fuimos a la casa de Diego un rato. Despues de ahi nos fuimos a una fiesta en una casa (de una mina argentina que es famosa- periodista creo que es)- con 2 de mis tias, sus parejas y mi primo, y unos cuasi parientes politicos. Nos quedamos ahi un rato y despues me volvi con Ana y Fernando a su casa, nos quedamos hablando y nos terminamos yendo a dormir a las 7am. Al dia siguiente fuimos a la casa de mis abuelos a almorzar (tuvimos que comer pasta porque no habia NADA de sobras, NADA DE NADA, nunca pasa eso!), y llegue a casa a la tarde y me dormi una linda y larga siesta.

Que mas...? Fui a cenar a la casa de mi viejo un par de veces. Unas amigas del colegio (Chuchi y Luli) vinieron a casa a almorzar hoy. Ah! Y me arreglaron la tarjeta de la memoria de mi camara de fotos, asi que recupere todas las fotos que tenia atrapadas en la camara (2 semanas, parte de Tailandia y parte de Japon, estoy feliz!!!), hice back up de todas las fotos de mi viaje en DVDs (ya tengo mas de 3.000 fotos, a la mierda!) y me encontre con la hermana de Laura (Laura es una amiga de Australia) y le di los DVDs para que me lleve a Australia. Y mire algunos DVDs. No 48, pero ya mire como 5, asi que me parece que voy bien.