Monday, December 28, 2009

Second week in Buenos Aires/Segunda semana en Buenos Aires

It's been another week in Buenos Aires- I think I'll be updating the blog only once a week while I'm here, cause I don't have too many stories to tell about Argentina.
So what's happened this past week...? Uhm... Saturday night I went to a pub to listen to my brother's band. My brother Joaquin has been playing the bass in a band for about a year and a half now, so because I hadn't been back in Argentina in over 2 years this was the first chance I had to watch them, they were really good!
Sunday was lunch at my brother Diego's house and then I met with some friends from high school for afternoon tea. It was really nice to see them all again, and 2 of them have kids now, so I met the 2 cute little boys as well (Felipe and Benicio).
Monday... went into the city and to my aunt Ana's office. I met everyone there and even some of my blog's followers (hello there!) whom I had never met before, very funny. We then went to "throw eggs" to Flo, a friend. This egg throwing is a tradition in Argentina (and maybe in other countries as well?!? But I've never heard of it being done anywhere else). Whenever someone graduates from University, the friends and family go and wait at the front of the Uni, and when the new graduate walks out, after just passing their last exam, they are greeted by people throwing raw eggs at them. The raw eggs are the traditional item of choice, but of course the tradition's developed and you don't only throw eggs at the person now but also flour, ketchup, mayonnaise, yerba, anything and everything really. It's always heaps of fun although I don't expect people from other countries to understand it... truth is I don't understand the meaning of it either, but I know it's fun! And Flo was so happy!!! She was really scared that she didn't know if she was gonna pass or fail, so she was extra happy when she passed and even enjoyed the egging.
What else? Christmas shopping of course, and then Christmas celebrations. I skyped with the argentineans in Australia and with Guille from Spain on Christmas, that was really nice. In Argentina we celebrate Christmas Eve, not really Christmas Day. So Christmas Eve was at Diego's house, with Jackie, her parents, Joaquin and my father. Eating, eating, drinking, eating, eating, presents (yes, we open the presents at Midnight, we don't have to wait until the next day). And when everyone was leaving or going to bed I started watching an aussie movie on TV and stayed the night on the couch. Christmas Day is just eating the leftovers from the previous night, and although people still get together it's not the real celebration. So it was basically the same people as last night, eating leftovers, except without Joaquin and with my mother who came over.
In the afternoon Ana and her partner (Fernando) came over for a while, and then I went to their place with them. I stayed all weekend there. Eating, watching DVDs, and they gave me "some" DVDs to take home and watch- which is never gonna happen, to start with I don't watch much TV/movies, but even if I did it would be nearly impossible- I'm here for another month and a half and they lent me FORTY EIGHT DVDs, yes, FORTY EIGHT, which would average more than one a day. Impossible, I'll never do it, I'm giving up right now without even attempting it. Although if I try really hard I think I'll maybe make it to 10. We'll see.
So, back to my weekend at Ana and Fernando's place. We even went out for a "city tour" on Saturday- oh yes, I'm on my RTW trip, so I might as well do some tourism even if it's in my own city, right? So we drove around their neighbourhood, I had all the important landmarks pointed out at me and explained, and we even took pictures when approppriate. I felt like a tourist again. And I got back home about 4 hours ago, Sunday night now. I skyped with Sara for almost 2 hours, and then with Ana G (both argentinean friends from Australia).
And so it goes, my second week in Argentina. I'm again up to date with my blog, wow, finally! Uhm... not really... I'm still missing the Spanish bit- next time, no way I'll do it tonight.

Y paso otra semana en Buenos Aires- me parece que voy a escribir el blog solamente una vez por semana mientras este aca, porque no tengo muchas historias para contar sobre Argentina.
Que paso esta ultima semana...? Uhm.... el sabado a la noche fui a un bar a escuchar a la banda de mi hermano. Mi hermano Joaquin esta tocando el bajo en una banda hace como un anio y medio, pero como yo no venia a Argentina hace mas de 2 anios esta fue la primera vez que los pude ir a ver, muy bueno!
El domingo fui a almorzar a lo de mi hermando Diego y despues me junte a tomar el te con algunas amigas del colegio. Estuvo re bueno verlas de nuevo, y 2 de ellas ahora tienen hijos, asi que tambien conoci a los 2 chicos que son un amor (Felipe y Benicio).
Lunes... fui al centro y a la oficina de mi tia Ana. Conoci a todos los de su laburo y hasta a algunos seguidores del blog (hola!) a los que nunca habia conocido, muy gracioso. Despues fuimos a "tirarle huevos" a Flo, una amiga. Y es espaniol no hace falta que haga la explicacion sobre que significa ir a tirarle huevos a alguien, ya saben que es lo tipico cuando alguien se recibe. Flo estaba feliz! No sabia si iba a aprobar o no, asi que cuando aprobo estaba extra feliz y ni siquiera le importaron los huevazos.
Que mas? Compras de Navidad y festejos de Navidad obviamente. Hable por Skype con los argentinos de Australia y con Guille de Espania para Navidad, muy bueno. En Argentina se celebra mas la Nochebuena que el dia de Navidad. Asi que Nochebuena fue en lo de Diego, con Jackie, los papas de Jackie, Joaquin, y mi papa. Comer, comer, tomar, comer, comer, regalos (si, abrimos los regalos a las 12 de la noche, no tenemos que esperar hasta el dia siguiente aca). Y cuando todos se estaban yendo o yendose a dormir empece a mirar una pelicula australiana por tele y me quede a dormir ahi en el sillon. El dia de Navidad en verdad solo es comer las sobras de la noche anterior, y aunque la gente se junta no es el verdadero festejo. Asi que basicamente eramos los mismos de la noche anterior, comiendo las sobras, menos Joaquin y mas mi mama.
A la tarde vinieron Ana y Fernando un arto y despues me fui a su casa con ellos. Me quede ahi todo el fin de semana. Comiendo, mirando DVDs y me dieron "algunos" DVDs para que me lleve a casa par mirar- que jamas lo hare, porque para empezar no miro mucha tele/peliculas, y auqnue lo hiciera seria casi imposible- me quedo aca por un mes y medio mas, y me prestaron CUARENTA Y OCHO DVDs, si, CUARENTA Y OCHO, que seria un promedio de mas de una pelicula por dia. Imposible, jamas lo lograre, me doy por vencida ahora mismo sin siquiera intentarlo. Aunque si realmente lo intento creo que puedo llegar a 10. Ya veremos.
Bueno, de vuelta al fin de semana en lo de Ana y Fernando. Hasta salimos a hacer un "city tour" el Sabado- si, si, estoy haciendo un viaje alrededor del mundo, asi que mas vale que haga turismo aunque sea en mi propia ciudad, no? Asi que salimos a dar vueltas en el auto por el barrio, me senialaron y explicaron todos los lugares notables, y hasta sacamos fotos en los lugares apropiados. Me senti como una turista nuevamente.
Y volvi a casa el domingo a la noche, unas horas antes de escribir la historia esta en ingles. Hable por Skype con Sara como 2 horas y despues con Ana G (las 2 son amigas argentinas de Australia).
Y eso fue, mi segunda semana en Argentina. Estoy otra vez al dia con el blog, wow, finalmente!! Ahora si que puedo decir que estoy al dia, porque escribi la parte en espaniol tambien.



  2. Hahaha si, pobre Loli.... ahi esta, ya la nombre!
