Monday, December 7, 2009

Koh Phangan

Ok, continuo con los relatos por atrasado. Entonces, llegada a Koh Phangan, me encontre con Yanina al dia siguiente (una amiga argentina de Australia). Me vino a visitar una semana por mi cumpleanios, un amor. En verdad nos ibamos a encontrar el 28 a la manana pero Yani estaba enferma, asi que viajo un dia mas tarde, enferma y todo, y llego el 29.
El 28 me la pase en la playa, leyendo y caminando. Koh Phangan es una isla bastante grandecita, pero el hotel queda en una zona donde hay playas y restaurantes etc, todo a unos minutos caminando. Y cerca de la Full Moon Party (la fiesta de la luna llena, la razon por la que decidimos venir para Koh Phangan, obviamente muy importante!).
Nos pasamos 5 dias de relax, playa, comer, leer, tomar, un descanso. Hamacas paraguayas, bares y restaurantes sobre la playa. Agua cristalina y tibia. La arena debo admitir no era la mas blanca que vi en mi vida, pero me quejo de llena. Y mucha joda tambien, porque nos estabamos quedando en la zona de fiesta. Asi que fiestas todas las noches, fiesta de la espuma, fiesta en la pileta, y por supuesto fiesta de la luna llena. Y hacian shows de malabares con fuego, y tambien juegos con fuego. Uno de los juegos consistia en prender fuego una soga y la gente pasaba a saltar- borrachos, pendejos, creyendose re piolas... de mas esta decir, que habia quemados todas las noches, y se veia por todos lados gente con los tobillos vendados caminando haha. Y tambien gente con ojos vendados, brazos enyesados... entre el salto de la soga y la gente que se accidenta alquilando scooters, estaban todos hechos mierda.
Asi que empece mi cumple, ya que la fiesta de la luna llena fue el 2 de diciembre- en la playa, con musica, baldes, y miles y miles de personas bailando. Una masa. Y con luna llena, obviamente. Y perdon Yanina, pero tengo que poner la yanifrase- "Ah, la fiesta de la luna llena es todos los meses?!?", y si, no podia faltar una buena yanifrase!
AY!!! Y ahora justo, mientras estoy escribiendo esto, en Tokyo, entra por la puerta Nirmal (un pibe de Texas que conocimos en Koh Phangan, y pasamos unos dias juntos)- le pase los datos del hotel en el que estoy aca en Tokyo y acaba de llegar del aeropuerto, que gracioso!
Bueno, volviendo a Koh Phangan... un dia nos fuimos a unas playas del norte a concoer. Fuimos en taxi, y despues decidimos iniciar el retorno caminando... haciendo dedo fue la intencion, pero no funciono, aunque todo el mundo en scooter miraba, saludaba, tocaba bocina, sonreia, pero nadie paraba. Un solo pibe paro, un amor, pero no entrabamos los 3 en su scooter- el pibe habia pasado en un grupo de como 8 pibes, y dijo que trato de converncerlos de frenar y ninguno quiso, porque estaban jugando una carrera- el volvio a buscarnos, y el resto se equivoco de camino y doblaron todos mal, y el al final termino ganando igualmente, KARMA! y muy gracioso porque nosotras nos tomamos un taxi al final, y llegamos a otra playa y estaban esos pibes ahi.
Y que mas contar de Koh Phangan... me parece que eso es suficiente. El 3 (el dia de mi cumpleanios) fuimos a Bangkok. Despues cuento eso, me voy ahora porque hacen aca en el hotel clases de conversacion en japones.

Ok, I'll continue with the delayed stories. So, once arrived in Koh Phangan, I met up with Yanina the next day (an argentinean friend from Australia). She came over to visit me for a week for my birthday, so lovely fo her. In actual fact we were gonna meet on the morning of the 28th but Yani was sick, so she came over 1 day later, sick and all, and arrived on the 29th.
I spent the 28th at the beach, reading and walking around. Koh Phangan is a relatively big islan, but the hotel we are staying in is in an area with beaches and restaurants etc, all within a few minutes walk. And nearby the Full Moon Party (the reason why we decided to come to Koh Phangan, obviously very important!)
So we spent 5 days of relaxing, beach, eating, reading, drinking, a nice rest. Hammocks, bars and restaurants on the beach. Warm and clear sea. I must admit the sand wasn't the whitest I've seen, but there's no right to complain about it either. And lots of partying as well, because we were staying in the party area. So there were parties on every night- foam party, pool party, and of course the full moon party. And they were doing shows with fire, juggling, and also games. One of these games was skipping the rope, but the rope was on fire- young, drunk people skipping the rope and thinking they were so cool... needless to say people got burnt every night, and you could see around the island people with bandaged ankles haha. And also people with bandaged eyes, arms in casts... in between the fire rope skipping and people having accidents with the rental scooters, everyone was injured.
So I started my birthday, since the full moon party was on the 2nd of December- at the beach, with music, buckets, and thousands and thousands of people dancing. Awesome. And with a full moon, obviously. And I'm sorry Yanina, but I gotta write the Yaniphrase- "OH, the full moon party is on every month?!?", haha yeah, of course there had to be a Yaniphrase!
OH!! And right this very moment, while I'm in Tokyo typying this, Nirmal walks in the door (a guy from Texas that we met in Koh Phangan and we spent time together for a couple of days)- I gave him the info of the hotel I'm staying in in Tokyo and he's just arrived, straight from the airport, very funny.
Well, back to Koh Phangan... one day we went to one of the beaches up north on the island for a look. We went by taxi, and then we decided to start heading abck walking... hitchhiking attempts, but it didn't work, cause even though everyone going past on scooters would look at us, wave, horn, smile, but no one would stop. Only one guy stopped, really nice, but we didn't all fit on his tiny scooter- this guy had gone past in a group of about 8 guys on their scooters and said he tried to convince others to stop as well but no one wanted to because they were racing- he came back to get us, and the rest took a wrong turn and went the wrong way, so this guy ended up winning the race in the end, that's KARMA! And it was very funny cause we ended up getting a taxi in the end, and when we got to this other beach these guys were there.
And what else can I say about Koh Phangan... I think that's enough. The 3rd (the day of my birthday) we went to Bangkok. I'll tell about Bangkok later on, I gotta go now because here at the hotel they are having lessons on spoken Japanese now.