Monday, December 14, 2009

Plane food/ Comida de Avion

I am mostly disatisfied with the vegetarian options on planes. I flew with Japan Airlines from Bangkok to Tokyo as a vegetarian- and they insist on giving you all boring non-fat stuff. I repeat- just cause I'm a vegetarian doesn't mean I am also on a diet!! Wheat instead of white bread, stupid fruit instead of cake... ludicrous I say! I still have a right to eat fattening unhealthy food even if I decide not to kill animals! But hey, at least I got a sandwich instead of the rice crackers (why on earth do they think vegetarians can't eat rice crackers anyway....?), and after I finished my sandwich I still asked for a packet of the rice crackers. BONUS! I was also angry that I didn't get the yoghurt, but luckily I checked my ticket and I think the fact that I had requested the "vegetarian lactose-intolerant" meal explains why I didn't get the yoghurt... Miss JOOO- I feel sorry for you, you are a true vegetarian, have you ever thought about complaining to the airlines and informing them you are not on a diet?!?! I'll willingly sign your petition if you start one.

Estoy totalmente disatisfecha con las opciones vegetarianas en los aviones. Viaje con Japan Airlines de Bangkok a Tokyo como vegetariana- y insisten en darte comida dietetica y aburrida. Pan negro en vez de blanco, fruta de porqueria en vez de torta... es un insulto! Tengo derecho a comer comida engordante y poco saludable, aunque decida no matar animales! Pero bueno, al menos me dieron un sandwich en vez de las galletas de arroz (no se por que se piensan que los vegetarianos no pueden comer galletas de arroz...?), y despues de haber terminado mi sandwich igualmente les pedi que me dieran un paquete de galletas de arroz, BONUS! Tambien me embolo que no me dieran el yogur, pero por suerte me fije en mi pasaje y me parece que el hecho de que pedi comida "vegetariana, intolerancia a la lactosa" explica por que no me dieron el yogur... JOOO- te compadezco, vos sos una vegetariana real, alguna vez pensaste en quejarte a las aerolineas y explicarles que no estas a dieta?!? Con gusto firmo tu peticion si empezas una.

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